Announcing the New Year's Day 2002 Sprint Please support the annual New Year's Day sprint sponsored by KI6FF. Open to all participants. Need not be a member of Western States Weak Signal Society to enter. Certificates will be issued to overall point leaders and to band winners in each ARRL section. Time period is January 1, 2002 from 6AM to 12 Noon your local time. The sprint this year will include all bands from 50 MHz. up. Exchange is call signs and grid squares, plus bonus points available for collecting the station's valid WSWSS and SWOT (SideWinders On Two) numbers. ARRL contest scoring, with the exception that an additional one contact point for each valid WSWSS and/or SWOT number received from the station worked. For instance, a contact on 2 meters will be worth one point for the contact, one point for collecting a WSWSS number, and another point for collecting a SWOT number from the station worked. For a total possible of 3 points for that contact. Working the same station on 432 MHz. would generate 2 points for the contact plus a possible 2 more points for collecting both a WSWSS and a SWOT number for a possible 4 points per contact. Use your logging programs by tricking them into logging the contact a second and third time for the bonus points. Log a station once for the initial contact, then log again with a -W after the call sign for getting his WSWSS number, then log again with a -S after the call sign for getting his SWOT number. For example, work KI6FF and log once as KI6FF, again as KI6FF-W for collecting the WSWSS number, and log again as KI6FF-S for collecting the SWOT number. That will log as three contacts and the software should keep track of the scoring correctly. Email with questions to ki6ff[at], Send logs to: Email cabrillo format logs with summary to: ki6ff[at] . Snail mail paper logs with summary to: David Peters, KI6FF 14291 Middletown Lane Westminster, CA 92683 73, David, KI6FF