Subject: Fall 1999 Six Meter Sprints
Date:    Thu, 28 Oct 1999 12:35:41 -0700
From:    Harry Brown hbrown[at] 

Results: Fall 1999 Six Meter Sprints

Here are the results. Many more operated but were too shy to send in their
logs. Thanks for those that did.

Call            Grid            Category        Contacts        Grids           Score
W8ZH            EN91            SO              41              18              738
AF4HX           EM96            S0              43              15              645
K4KAZ           EM74            SO              20              10              200
W4ATL           EM73            SO              18              9               162
KB9JIF          EN62            SO              18              9               162
W4DEX           EM95            SO              14              10              140
K4SZ            EM84            SO              16              8               128
W4KXY           EM84            SO              14              7               98
W1PM            FN41            SO              14              7               98
K4PTT           EM84            SO              10              6               60
AJ4Y            EL97            SO              12              5               60
AG4GQ           EM84            SO              10              4               40
N8XA            EM79            SO              8               5               40
K1QM            FN42            S0              9               5               45
N8NQS           EN72            SO              7               5               35
K4PET           EM84            SO              2               2               28
N3II            FM19            SO              9               2               18
W2PED           FN20            SO              4               4               16
W2FCA           FN22            SO              5               3               15
WA8RJF          EN91            SO              4               3               12
N3EMF           FN32            SO              3               2               6
K8KFJ           EM98            SO              2               2               4
K5OGF           EM86            SO              2               2               4

N2GKM           FN30/31         R               6               4               24

Some of the comments received:

My first Fall 6 Meter Sprint.  To sum it up in three words:
No, No, Yes

No Propagation, No Participation, Yes...LOTS of fun.

After the nice openings to South America the last few days was hoping for
better propagation.  I was also hoping to work a few more of the "locals"
if the band was not open.  I know there are more than 12 active 6m ops in
Central and South Florida. 
Thanks to the folks that did give me a call. 73 Paul AJ4Y EL97bx

Xmitter died. Where were all the east coast big time radio

Any reason to get on the air is good!  This is my first "Fall Sprint".
Am looking forward to the two meter Sprint Monday!  My thanks to those
who are keeping the Sprint tradition alive. Dave Bostedor Jr.  N8NQS

wowee, but at least I was on and am glad to see fall activity, Frank, W2FCA

Where was everyone. With the listing in QST I thought there would be
a lot more activity, even if there was not a 6m opening. Oh Well. I'll be
working the 2m contest Monday night. joel   K1QM   Concord, MA

Just did not hear many stations in the Sprint from my particular location.
I know there were others who did much better.  My congrats to them.  I felt
it important  for me to make some QSOs to show our participation
in the Sprint (and our continued use of VHF frequencies). My thanks to all
who picked up the sponsorship of the various Sprints after having been
dropped by the ARRL.  applaud you as does many other VHF/UHF enthusiasts.
Garie C. Halstead  (K8KFJ)

Participation was very disappointing. I Roved in three grids but only
succeeded in making contacts while in two of them. I almost didn't activate
the second grid to obtain Rover status. Norm, N2GKM

73, Harry, W3IIT
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